Mexicana Society of Cactología, A.C.
"By spreading knowledge, improving the understanding
and conservation of cacti and succulent plants" |
Cactáceas y Suculentas Mexicanas
Back issues
Journal published by the Mexican Cactus Society since 1955
We have all the issues from 1980 to 2005 and some isues from 1955 to 1979.
Ask for the prices, shipping costs and the availability of the issues.
Cactáceas y otras plantas nativas de La Cañada, Cuicatlán, Oaxaca
(Cacti and other plants of La Cañada, Cuicatlán, Oaxaca)
Jerónimo Reyes S., Christian Brachet I., Joel Pérez C., Araceli Guitiérrez de la R.
2004. Published by the Sociedad Mexicana de Cactología, A. C., 196 colour pages, 535 color photos, sofbound, size A4.
A field guide to La Cañada de Cuicatlán, Oaxaca. Contains information on climate, hydrology, geology, soil, vegetation, fauna and glossary. Comprises 38 plant families and 152 species. Agavaceae, Bromeliaceae, Burseraceae, Cactaceae, Crassulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Mimosaceae, Nolinaceae and other plant families.
To order this book from foreign countries:
40.00 US / 30.00 EUR
Las Crasulaceas de Mexico
(A Monograph of the Mexican Crassulaceae) by Jorge Meyran Garcia y Lilian Lopez Chavez, 2003
Published by the Sociedad Mexicana de Cactología, A. C
In spanish. The book comprises the genera: Sedum, Villadia, Lenophyllum, Thompsonella, Graptopetalum, Tacitus, Pachyphytum, Echeveria and Dudleya. With articles on ecology, and cultivation and a glossary of terms.
Hardbound. 234 text pages with 110 black and white photos, 18 line drawings and 52 pages with 139 color photos only, 286 pages in total. 29 x 22 cm. (11½'' x 8¾'')
To order this book from foreign countries:
45.00 US / 36.00 EUR |
Catálogo de Cactáceas Mexicanas
Ulises Guzmán, Salvador Arias y Patricia Dávila, 2003
Published by UNAM and CONABIO
The authors of this catalogue provide an updated list of valid names for mexican cactaceae.
To order these books from foreign countries we can receive payment only in cash, please sent banknotes in a registered letter at your own risk. (Only from the U.S.A. we can receive payments with International Postal Money Order). Ask for shipping costs.
Information and orders:
Omar González Zorzano
Av. Observatorio, 241
Colonia Cove
01120, México. D. F.