Sociedad Mexicana de Cactología A.C. Sociedad Mexicana
de Cactología, A.C.

"By spreading knowledge, improving the understanding
and conservation of cacti and succulent plants"



The Mexican Cactus Society was founded on 1951 by a small group of enthusiasts and specialists bought together by Dra. Helia Bravo Hollis, Hernando Sánchez Mejorada, Eizi Matuda, Carlos Chávez, Juan Balme and Dudley B. Gold, that formed the executive committee of new society and Dr Jorge Meyrán was included as a future editor of the magazine when the Society well was established.

The first number of the magazine Cactáceas y Suculentas Mexicanas appeared in 1955 July. Since then until 1998 the editing of the magazine was done Dr Jorge Meyrán and from January of 1999 it was in the charge of Jerónimo Reyes Santiago.until 2001 and from then by Drs María del C. Mandujano y Jordan Golubov. It is important to mention that this magazine from 1955 to date has been published regularly every three months, and also that the great majority of published articles are original. The presidency was occupied the first twenty years by the Dra. Helia Bravo, followed by Hernando Sánchez Mejorada, Ignacio Piña, Salvador Arias and from 1997 by Jerónimo Reyes Santiago.

At the present time the Society monthly holds its meetings in the University House of the library of the Independent National University of Mexico and has a great number of national members as well as overseas ones and our objective is to gain more knowledge and to gain new members and collaborators and to promote the study and conservation of our plants. Also it has promoted the formation of affiliated societies in various states of our country.

Cactáceas y Suculentas Mexicanas
Founding Editor
Dr. Jorge Meyrán García
Dra.del Carmen Mandujano Sánchez
Dr.Jordan Golubov

Instituto de UNAM, Apartado Postal 70-275, Cuidad Universitaria, 04510, México, D.F.
